How to increase alexa rank
Alexa is a website which provide data about web trafficking. It ranks different websites according to the web traffic they are getting or it would be better to say that they measure a websites traffic which pass through their system.
Now the question is why alexa rank is important the answer to this is that advertisers reach out for your website according to this rank. You can check alexa rank of your website by going to official alexa website. Below given are some easy ways to increase alexa rank. Install alexa toolbar:
Alexa only calculates that traffic of your website orblog which passes through its system so most important thing is to install alexa tool bar on your all browsers and ask your family, friends and other people who are most likely to visit your site to do so as well. Claim ownership of your site:
Get registered with alexa by signing up at alexa and adding the Meta tag on the home page of your site. Don't remove this Meta tag from the home page even after complete verification of your site. There are other ways to claim this ownership as well but adding meta tag have proved to give most rewarding results.
Reviews about Your Alexa Ranking:
Good reviews of your site or blog on can not only help increase the traffic back to your site or blog but also help increase the alexa rank. Other than this you can add review about your alexa ranking to your site or blog monthly showing off popularity of your site and attracting more viewers.
Put alexa widget:
Putting up alexa widget on your site or blog can also help you improve alexa rank. It can be an alternative to the toolbar.
Use alexa paid option:
If your site is already generating enough revenue, one productive way of its expenditure is to use paid option of alexa. This will help you boost up your rank. Other than this there are many other paid as well as free sites which promise you to help increase your alexa rank by employing different methods.
Improve your website/blog:
Secondly whatever your content is about it should be SEO (search engine optimized)that is easy to search through different search engines such as Google, yahoo etc. Your site should be colorful and attractive.
Other than this you can generate back links of different pages, comments and blog options to attract more viewers. A key to increase web traffic is to keep updating your site. This will encourage people to re visit.
Advertising your site on social networks can also prove to be beneficial. A prominent and well displayed advertise can encourage people to visit your page so buying banners and different links can also help you in boosting your alexa rank up.
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