System Programming
Traditionally speaking, all Unix programming is system-level programming. Histori- cally, Unix systems did not include many higher-level abstractions. Even programming in a development environment such as the X Window System exposed in full view the core Unix system API. Consequently, it can be said that this book is a book on Linux programming in general. But note that this book does not cover the Linux programming environment—there is no tutorial on make in these pages. What is cov- ered is the system programming API exposed on a modern Linux machine.
System programming is most commonly contrasted with application programming. System-level and application-level programming differ in some aspects, but not in others. System programming is distinct in that system programmers must have a strong awareness of the hardware and operating system on which they are working. Of course, there are also differences between the libraries used and calls made. Depending on the "level" of the stack at which an application is written, the two may not actually be very interchangeable, but, generally speaking, moving from applica- tion programming to system programming (or vice versa) is not hard. Even when the application lives very high up the stack, far from the lowest levels of the system, knowledge of system programming is important. And the same good practices are employed in all forms of programming.
The last several years have witnessed a trend in application programming away from system-level programming and toward very high-level development, either through web software (such as JavaScript or PHP), or through managed code (such as C# or Java). This development, however, does not foretell the death of system program- ming. Indeed, someone still has to write the JavaScript interpreter and the C# runtime, which is itself system programming. Furthermore, the developers writing PHP or Java can still benefit from knowledge of system programming, as an under- standing of the core internals allows for better code no matter where in the stack the code is written.
Despite this trend in application programming, the majority of Unix and Linux code is still written at the system level. Much of it is C, and subsists primarily on interfaces provided by the C library and the kernel. This is traditional system programming— Apache, bash, cp, Emacs, init, gcc, gdb, glibc, ls, mv, vim, and X. These applications are not going away anytime soon.
The umbrella of system programming often includes kernel development, or at least device driver writing. But this book, like most texts on system programming, is unconcerned with kernel development. Instead, it focuses on user-space system-level programming; that is, everything above the kernel (although knowledge of kernel internals is a useful adjunct to this text). Likewise, network programming—sockets and such—is not covered in this book. Device driver writing and network program- ming are large, expansive topics, best tackled in books dedicated to the subject.
What is the system-level interface, and how do I write system-level applications in Linux? What exactly do the kernel and the C library provide? How do I write opti- mal code, and what tricks does Linux provide? What neat system calls are provided in Linux compared to other Unix variants? How does it all work? Those questions are at the center of this book.
There are three cornerstones to system programming in Linux: system calls, the C library, and the C compiler. Each deserves an introduction.
System Calls
System programming starts with system calls. System calls (often shorted to syscalls) are function invocations made from user space—your text editor, favorite game, and so on—into the kernel (the core internals of the system) in order to request some service or resource from the operating system. System calls range from the familiar, such as read() and write(), to the exotic, such as get_thread_area() and set_tid_address().
Linux implements far fewer system calls than most other operating system kernels. For example, a count of the i386 architecture's system calls comes in at around 300, compared with the allegedly thousands of system calls on Microsoft Windows. In the Linux kernel, each machine architecture (such as Alpha, i386, or PowerPC) imple- ments its own list of available system calls. Consequently, the system calls available on one architecture may differ from those available on another. Nonetheless, a very large subset of system calls—more than 90 percent—is implemented by all architec- tures. It is this shared subset, these common interfaces, that I cover in this book.
Invoking system calls It is not possible to directly link user-space applications with kernel space. For rea- sons of security and reliability, user-space applications must not be allowed to directly execute kernel code or manipulate kernel data. Instead, the kernel must pro- vide a mechanism by which a user-space application can "signal" the kernel that it wishes to invoke a system call. The application can then trap into the kernel through this well-defined mechanism, and execute only code that the kernel allows it to exe- cute. The exact mechanism varies from architecture to architecture. On i386, for example, a user-space application executes a software interrupt instruction, int, with a value of 0x80. This instruction causes a switch into kernel space, the protected realm of the kernel, where the kernel executes a software interrupt handler—and what is the handler for interrupt 0x80? None other than the system call handler!
The application tells the kernel which system call to execute and with what parame- ters via machine registers. System calls are denoted by number, starting at 0. On the i386 architecture, to request system call 5 (which happens to be open()), the user- space application stuffs 5 in register eax before issuing the int instruction.
Parameter passing is handled in a similar manner. On i386, for example, a register is used for each possible parameter—registers ebx, ecx, edx, esi, and edi contain, in order, the first five parameters. In the rare event of a system call with more than five parameters, a single register is used to point to a buffer in user space where all of the parameters are kept. Of course, most system calls have only a couple of parameters.
Other architectures handle system call invocation differently, although the spirit is the same. As a system programmer, you usually do not need any knowledge of how the kernel handles system call invocation. That knowledge is encoded into the stan- dard calling conventions for the architecture, and handled automatically by the compiler and the C library.
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