Tuesday, 16 July 2013

op blogs: PopAds ad network review payment proof

op blogs
PopAds ad network review payment proof
Jul 16th 2013, 16:12, by op sharma

PopAds ad network is the best pop adnetwork  for blogger & others. PopAds is more more payable ad network. Please avoid pop ad network it may decrease ur site visitors. If u wants more with pop ads then don't go for bidvertiser or any others. Use PopAds for your blog or Site.

Registration is very simple just ur site details + site traffic. Please enter ur details more accurate they told me as i entered wrong site category. After i rectified it and they approved my site. Best thing of this ad network is they accept all sites. Whether illegal sites,gambling or any others sites.

U have all controls for the ads if u don't want adult ads for ur site. U can set bid price for ur ads. PopAds rates depends on the traffic where they r coming. Mostly us,canada have high rates than asian traffic as depends on the advertiser.

Pros of PopAds ad network

-> No as such traffic requirement
-> Almost all sites acceptable
-> High rates advertisers
-> Not affect site loading time
-> 100% fill rate
-> Daily Payment

Cons of PopAds ad network

-> Rate depends on Traffic
-> Adults Ads
-> Pop Ups appear in the front end

Basically u find this ad network much better than others. Also after reaching threshold payment you can takeout ur money through paypal. Thus this is great income source beside having ppc or ppv networks. Anyone can easily make money online through this.

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